Ovakner - Ar/Lume (CS)
$5.00 On sale

Embrace the death/crust sound of Spain's OVAKNER! Eihwaz Recordings proudly presents "Ar/Lume", Ovakner's debut release, on cassette late August. With themes of paganism and urban destruction as its heart, this 25-minute EP of crushing yet hypnotic death/d-beat sonics leaves an everlasting trail of memorable metal punk in your mind.
Mixed and mastered at Necromorbus Studio by Tore Stjerna (Tribulation, Destroyer666, etc) with artwork and layout by Timo Ketola (Deathspell Omega, Necros Christos, etc), "Ar/Lume" evokes for vocalist/guitarist Rober ''an old Galician legend of woods, seas and bad creatures, fueled and distorted by hypnotics and other drugs.''
This cassette version contains two bonus tracks; new song 'Urco', and a cover of Eat My Fuk's 'Destroy the Factory' (these are not on the cd version of Ar/Lume). Cassette is clear with black liner, white ink imprint, and double-sided j-card; program repeated on both sides. A download card will be sent to each customer as well.
Rober - Vocals, guitars
Lois - Bass
Alberto - Drums